Friday, December 31, 2010

As the new year descends........

As the year ends, as the new year descends I wonder is it simply a change of date and numerals, or is it something more. It isn’t really anything more than that i realize, not a real shift in anything existential, but in the psychological realm of life it leads to a shift within if thought about. A new year....bringing forth a sense of a new beginning, bringing forth the freshness of a new day, the sense that we can start all over again, that we can turn our follies into our friends, that there is a light at the end of a tunnel, something to move towards....a tomorrow.

As i sit with this feeling of a new year coming in............all i feel is a silence.............a silence that has taken much pain, much aloneness, much struggle to come to..........a silence where no mine or me exists, no sense of accomplishment or ‘i did it’ exists............a silence that comes with being in tune with something far bigger than which i can understand. A silence that descending into seems the most sensible, the most beautiful thing to do..........a silence that i urge to fill my whole life with. A silence that does not deaden, but a silence that is alive like the beautiful smell of mud after a heavy rainfall. A silence that builds a path, a silence that wills you in its own direction................a silence so overpowering and yet so invisible.

As i sit moving slowly towards the coming year.......i become more and more though the eternal clock were ticking another chapter over, as though another era, another countless hours of sweat and toil were coming to an end for many and just beginning for many more, as though a new dawn were coming though a new consciousness were filling this planet...........and it was time to awaken..........time to awaken from the slumber we were comfortably tucked away in..............
This new year another call in that direction....another longing to deepen the space within........

1 comment:

DelhiEvents said...

simply wonderful!
