Friday, September 12, 2008

"Normal"...I've heard this word from so many people in different ways. What exactly does normal mean though i wonder. It's one of those words that is completely open to interpretation by whomsoever is defining the word normal. Now for me normal may be totally different from your normal.
But I think the society has created "normal" based on the majority. To me it almost suggests mediocre, ordinary. "Why dont you live a normal life?" "Normal people get a job and get married" "Why don't you act normal sometimes?" These questions seem to be on many peoples tounges while conversing with me these days. Especially many people who knew me in my childhood and cannot in their wildest dreams imagine that someone who was so "sane" in their eyes, so "normal" in their view can suddenly turn so "abnormal".
In fact all these thoughts just came up as I got one such sympathy call from an old school friend. It was a rather concerned call i would say, genuine concern.....concerned about me turning so abnormal and how I would live my life in the future. She even gave me the universal advice....normal people get married at this age, are you going to live like this your whole life.
When I questioned her about who exactly she considered normal people, ofcourse I was faced with a ..... there is no hope for you.
I am realizing that these thoughts, these opinions are going to increase in the coming time. Sometimes, a few times they knock you on the head and you start questioning, and one of the biggest issues that creeps up from the back door is... fear. It brings with it the huge...."What if?" "What if i loose out?" "What if regret the way i'm leading my life right now?" "What if theyre right?". There is so much fear of doing things different, not falling into the normal pattern of life. But i also realize that the what if is only a means of the mind trying to figure out the profit and loss of life. But the beauty of life does not lie in profits and losses, what you win or loose. The extraordinariness of life does not lie in making sure that we are safe or that we have kept sufficient back up in our life...just in case something went wrong. The enormity of life lies in dwelling in the unknown, the unexplored, the insaness of what it is.............becoming insane, completely insane from the inside. In fact, you can be completely "normal" from the normal that no one has a clue whats going on inside. Yet the insides of you are completely insane, completely going crazy, always exploring unknown terrains...........thats the way, the only way out of mediocrity......its the way to a place where normal has no meaning left anymore......or rather you realize the true meaning of the word - "normal", simply the way the universe intended you to be.

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