Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just finished most of my packing........though some is still left! Gosh.....sometimes I can't believe how much I've been travelling.......how many times I've packed and unpacked, how many times I've taken out those suitcases, sorted out the clothes I want to take......it's really unreal when I begin to think about it! I was really the last person on earth who enjoyed moving around from place to place.........I was more of the kind of person who feels comfortable and secure staying at one place, and likes travelling that once or twice in a few years kind of person. I never knew life would take me in a direction where I'd end up doing the exact opposite!

I still get those butterflies in my stomach when I'm leaving, still feel this nervous excitement, still almost feel like running away from the adventure that I've taken on.......yet at the same time realize how much more comfortable I've become with the change of moving from one place to the next. This feeling of no excessive attachment to one place has set in slowly. I know I have like an extreme attachment to home.......making it very difficult for me to leave.......maybe its because being a close knit family.....home was always where I was given the chance to completely express myself emotionally......it was also the place where I got the most space to go deeper into myself and it made me feel most emotionally secure. So, I guess I still find it hard to leave this cozy niche of mine..........but I know there is a definate difference. And I know that once I leave, then its fine.........it's like when you keep pulling at a tight rope over and over again, slowly it becomes looser, it slowly looses the tight grip that it earlier had. That's how I feel.

But I'm excited..........for this is going to be an adventure of a totally new kind. This time in one place for a whole year........one that will make me really adventure living with the bare minimum........for now I'm excited........

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